
Having studied Urban Planning in both undergrad and graduate school, I was thrilled to finally try Transmilenio. Bogotá’s bus rapid transit (BRT) network is recognized as being extremely innovative and the standard of what a well planned BRT network should look like.

Transmilenio began operations in the year 2000 after Bogotá’s mayor Enrique Penalosa began a process of city planning reform that would prioritize public transportation.

Since the end of the Penalosa administration in 2001, decreased funding and the lack of expansion plans has resulted in the network to often be over crowded and not as efficient as it was when operations first began.

Today, Transmilenio carries an average 2.2 million commuters a day on dedicated bus lanes, and is considered by locals to be the fastest way to get around Bogotá.

Transmilenio is extremely impressive and shows the potential of bus transportation.


Bahrain Bus


Summer 2019